
b. 1986, HK.


Hello! I’m Sarah.

I’m an illustrator, designer, and roller-skate enthusiast, and postgraduate as of May 2022 (woohoo!). Born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Currently living in San Jose, California. I graduated from San Jose State University with a BFA in Graphic Design. While my passion is illustration, I have found that learning graphic design has added elements to my illustrations such as problem-solving, and communicating ideas through typography, imagery, color, and form that it didn’t have before. In most of my projects, I involve things I’m passionate about in my illustrations and designs. Such as roller-skating, it’s full of energy and vibrant colors which I like to apply to my work. What’s also important to me is that it is a supportive community that’s full of energy that drives my creativity to another level.


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